Carnivorous Cape Sundew – White 4 Fashion

Known for its captivating carnivorous nature, this unique plant features slender, elongated leaves covered in sticky, glandular hairs that glisten like dewdrops in the light. These dewdrops are actually a sticky substance that traps unsuspecting insects, making the Cape Sundew both beautiful and functional.
The Cape Sundew thrives in bright, indirect light and enjoys a warm, humid environment, making it an excellent choice for terrariums or sunny windowsills. It prefers a soil mix that is acidic and well-draining, such as a blend of sphagnum moss and sand. Keep the soil consistently moist with distilled or rainwater, as tap water can harm this delicate plant.
Perfect for plant enthusiasts who want something unique, the Cape Sundew is relatively easy to care for and offers a captivating way to control small insects in the home. Its delicate, glistening traps and vibrant growth make it a standout addition to any indoor garden, providing a dynamic display of nature’s ingenuity.
Listing for plant in nursery pot only.
Planters and accessories not included.
Additional Information
Drosera capensis alba | 4" in nursery pot |